阿法替尼(bibw 2992)将于今年9月上旬在美国上市销售
http://us.boehringer-ingelheim.com/news_events/press_releases/press_release_archive/2013/08-22-13-gilotrif-tm-afatinib-tablets-available-us-week-of-september-2.htmlRidgefield, CT, August 22, 2013 – Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. has announced that GilotrifTM (afatinib) tablets for oral use will be commercially available in the U.S. the week of September 2.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved GILOTRIF on July 12, 2013 as a new first-line – or initial – treatment for patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with common epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations as detected by an FDA-approved test. Safety and efficacy of GILOTRIF have not been established in patients whose tumors have other EGFR mutations.
唉我以为要在中国上市呢 正版很贵啊 价格有了吗? 期待好的消息 期待好的消息,顶起:) 上次不是说7月12日美国上市?托亲戚买都买不到 上次让朋友打听了一下,一会儿说十几万,一会儿说六、七万一个月,反正用不起啊 唠叨的老人 发表于 2013-9-3 14:36 static/image/common/back.gif
期待国内能早点上市 马老师,我小弟吃特7个月,脑转,走路有些不稳了,说话也不利索了。但肺部控制还好,肝部比2个月前见涨。换2992呢,还是299804,还是其他药好呢?请您给出个主意。